Before completing a first-time or renewal application for the Merle S. and Emma J. West Scholarship Fund, please read the following important information below.
For First-time Applicants
1) Determine Eligibility: Before applying for the Merle S. and Emma J. West Scholarship Fund for the first time, please determine if you are eligible from the list of qualifying criteria below. This fund will be used for grants to aid those students who:
- Are graduates of a high school in Klamath County;
- Are a U.S. citizen or hold a permanent resident card;
- Are working toward a baccalaureate degree or an academic award or certificate of an undergraduate nature offered by any college, university, technical or vocational school;
- Have attained a good scholastic record;
- Are deemed to have good aptitude for post high school training;
- Have a need for financial assistance in obtaining further education;
- Adhere to sound moral principles; and have demonstrated good citizenship and respect for the law.
No preference will be given to any particular class of students, and any student’s qualification shall be evaluated against the above criteria.
2) Note important deadlines and dates concerning your application:
- Completed applications must be postmarked or submitted online by April 1st.
- For mailed applications, should April 1 fall on a weekend or holiday, the application must be postmarked no later than the first business day following.
- Chosen finalists will be asked to meet with the Scholarship Committee on select days between May 1st and June 10th.
3) To apply for the scholarship: If you have determined you are eligable for the the Merle S. and Emma J. West Scholarship Fund, you may choose from the "Apply Online" or "Apply by Mail" links above to begin the application process.
For Renewal Applicants
1) Renewal Eligibility: Students will be eligible for assistance in succeeding years of their education if their academic and citizenship records warrant. The renewal application form is to be used ONLY by applicants who have attended school with the assistance of a West Scholarship Grant.
2) Note important deadlines and dates concerning your renewal application:
- Completed applications must be postmarked or submitted online by April 1st.
- For mailed applications, should April 1 fall on a weekend or holiday, the application must be postmarked no later than the first business day following.
3) To apply for scholarship renewal: If you have already been awarded the Merle S. and Emma J. West Scholarship Fund during the immediately preceeding academic year and are renewing your application in succeeding years of your education, you may choose from the "Renew By Mail" or "Renew Online" links above to begin the renewal application process.